DEVOPSDAYS JAKARTA 2018 is the first DEVOPSDAYS series of conference held in Jakarta at BTPN Tower on April 26-27 2018. By inviting outstanding keynote speakers such as Matt Ray, Michael Cote, Iskak Hendrawan, Satty Bhens, and many more from around the world, we believe this really help for DEVOPSDAYS attendances to get fresh updated knowledge and event's improvement for the years after.
We really thankful by having these following great sponsors, such as
Also not to mention :
incredibly thanks to our community partner, Devops Indonesia ; Devops Singapore ; Agile Circles ; Agile Indonesia ; Agile Singapore ; DevSecOps ; Singapore Spring User Group ; Geek Hunter ; and BNCC by spread the words of DEVOPSDAYS JAKARTA 2018.
Not to mention, TechInAsia and Event Jakarta as our Media Partner.
This event will not be a blast by having 276 participants from various background without their supports. And we believe to make our sequence improvement by bringing this event for you every year.
Download event report of DevOpsDays Jakarta 2018 here