Our Second Roadshow with GITS Indonesia was amazingly held. Not only GITS Indonesia, we also collaborate with Makers Institute - Bandung by providing us with amazing and warmth of the venue. GITS Indonesia itself is one of the best Android Developer Expert in Indonesia.
By inviting 2 great speakers, this MeetUp Roadshow was amazingly done on November 29th. Those 2 speakers are :
Fajri Abdillah as Software Engineer at Horangi, brought the talk titled “Intro to DevOps Pillars with AWS Cloudformation” he also showed us a demo that really gave the participants fresh insight about AWS Cloudformation.
Didiet Agus Pambudiono as DevOps Lead at GITS Indonesia, brought the talk titled “Create Secure Remote Connection to Your GCE Instace” not to mention, he also showed us a great demo.
Registration was open at 7 PM and the talk started at 8 PM. Accompanied with slices of Pizza, this event was amazingly held with great enthusiasm of all participants. We also give them 3 free pass tickets to DevOpsDays Jakarta 2020 Conference on March 11th and 12th at BRI Corporate University, Ragunan - South Jakarta.
Thanks GITS Indonesia and Makers Institute for being an amazing team provided us with the great venue and warmth in Bandung!