We have arrived at the 2nd Roadshow to DevOpsDays Jakarta 2024 event. This time, we are collaborating with Red Hat, Couchbase and Amazone Web Services (AWS), as our Platinum Sponsors. Additionally, the event is supported by FORDIGI BUMN!
As you all know, Red Hat is the world's leading provider of enterprise open source solutions, including high-performing Linux, cloud, container, and Kubernetes technologies. Meanwhile, Couchbase is the NoSQL cloud database platform for business-critical and AI-powered applications, and Amazon Web Services, Inc. is a subsidiary of Amazon that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms and APIs to individuals, companies, and governments, on a metered, pay-as-you-go basis. With these esteemed sponsors, we are proud to share that our 2nd Roadshow to DevOpsDays Jakarta 2024 was held perfectly at CGV FX Sudirman on July 11th, 2024!
The talk session started at 7PM and was opened with moderator.

The Welcome Remarks for the 2nd Roadshow Event were delivered by Mr. Hananto Wibowo - Head of DevOps Indonesia Community, and were fully supported by Mr. Allan Prakosa, Bidang IV Ecosystem Development by FORDIGI BUMN.

First, we have Mr. Rakhmad Azhari from Red Hat. He brought us talk, titled "Adopting Trusted Software Supply Chain, a high-grade DevSecOps practice". As the opening speaker, he succeeded to raise the mood of attendees to absorb all the material and fresh insights given by him.

Done amazingly with Mr. Rakhmad Azhari, we move to our next speaker, Mr. Benjamin Then from Couchbbase. He brought us an interesting topic titled “Unlocking Scalability, Manageability, and Flexibility with Couchbase: The Multimodel Data Platform for Adaptive, Offline-First Applications”. This topic was very great and he also explained it in a way that participants did not easily get bored by listening to him and that many participants competed to ask him interesting questions.

Done amazingly with Mr. Benjamin Then, we move to our next speaker, Mr. Indra Suryatama from Amazone Web Services (AWS). He brought us an interesting topic titled “Elevating DevSecOps with Gen AI”.
It's great to have them as our speakers at our 2nd Roadshow to DevOpsDays Jakarta 2024, also thanks to all sponsors for helping us and sharing with us!
